Release Date: November 11, 2021

We have released a new report today about employment outcomes for families and carers of NDIS participants .

In September 2021 the NDIA released a detailed report about employment outcomes for NDIS participants. It identified and analysed the positive experiences and the challenges participants have faced finding and keeping paid work.

This new report follows the same methodology as the participant report. It provides another insight into this important aim of the NDIS, to increase paid employment rates for people with disability and their families and carers.

The purpose of this report is to provide detailed information to help the NDIA, the sector, academics, providers and other interested people so they can understand and address the employment experiences of families and carers of NDIS participants.

The report includes:

  • the baseline experience of families and carers in regards to paid employment at the time participants first enter the NDIS (before the participant has received an NDIS plan).
  • the changes in family and carer employment experience over time (by tracking responses to questionnaires at each plan review for the same group of participants).
  • detailed information about the things that are helping and not helping families and carers find and keep paid employment.

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